Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Nighttime blipping

A very busy day today. After getting the children ready for school and actually taking them there, it was time to get to work. The problems we were having Friday were solved; a fresh look at things after the weekend has proven to be very helpful. Some more progress was made; a good day.

After that it was time to pick up Nienke and two of her friends from their streetdance class. Then a quick dinner and Martine and I were off to school again for an informational meeting with the teachers of both Nienke and Inge. These meetings took place at the same time: I was in Inge's class and Martine went to Nienke's class. They were both good sessions and all parents now know somewhat more about how things work in school.

When we arrived home it was time to take the children to bed. Then we cleaned up somewhat and it was nine 'o clock. Somehow I forgot to take any pictures; now how did that happen? :-)

Oh, I forgot to mention that during the day it became obvious I managed to catch a cold somewhere. All the usual symptoms have developed and I still needed a blip. A quick dash outside later and here is a shot of the moon and the clouds drifting by. It doesn't even look that bad large. That will be all for today; I'll be off to bed soon...

PS: my shoulder and Ellis' head are fine after yesterday's fall. Thank you all for your kindness!

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