As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Andrew for President!!!

Boring Monday.

I got up at 6 again. I wanted to see the sunrise but it wasn't as cool as it was the other least I got this picture of a tree outside my house. Boring, I know.

Tomorrow is a big day. First off, elections for class of 2014 are tomorrow. I'm running for president and of the four running against me, none really pose a major threat. Still, I'm nervous. Second, I have my first "official" cross country meet tomorrow and I'm running varsity. I'm the slowest varsity runner on my team...I just don't want to be last. I'm going for under 16 minutes tomorrow on the 4k course. Last but certainly not least, I have my first orchestra rehearsal. I'm terrefied. I know the music pretty well but last year I was 10th chair, 12th chair, and 11th chair out of 12 cellos. Hopefully I've gotten better. It doesn't help that I have a ton of club meetings and other assignments to do this week...

I'm going to try and take some pictures before and after my race tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

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