Amaar ash pas

By AMIndia

Magic mirror

Magic mirror
Few years back I had been to a place called 'Hampi', in the southern part of India. It was the capital city of an ancient civilization. The interesting story about the city is this that, Hampi is strached in 26 sq KM, and except a living temple everything is ruins. Travelling alone in the empty ruin city of this size is an experience to be remembered lifelong.
There I was a tourist, and looking for mementoes. In front of the temple called 'Birupaksha', i found many people selling mementoes, including ancient coin (Home Made copper coin and chemically processed to look old) ornaments, and many more things. Some of them were claiming that those are as ancient as this city is and they found it here in the ruins.
Finally I found this mirror from an old women, she gave it to me and told me that this is a magic mirror.

Today after long time I found that magic mirror, I asked the mirror that can you show me .............................?

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