Cabbage Trees

An early start this morning with a coffee meeting with a potential new client. It went pretty well. Then into the office, lots for the usual.

Met with the accountant in the afternoon. Not my forte and I wonder what he was thinking when my eyes glazed over. Last year wasn't great. We knew that. This is looking pretty good. Knew that too. And we paid a lot of money for him to tell me that. Gee thanks. How about we do that again next year.

Then, the eventful part of the day. Back to the old office as we're allowed back into get gear. So bloody sad to go back in there. Pulled a bunch of gear out, well actually the important gear. The TV's and coffee machine. The rest is being moved out in the weekend by movers, courtesy of the insurance company. Loved that place.

Anyway, the new office is being designed and we get to see the plans Monday. Looks like it's going to be modelled on this building (2 levels instead of 3). Not the same character which is pretty sad, but new and safe!

Talked to my sister, they are up at Litia Sini in Samoa for their reopening. She was on the beach on her cell phone, half cut by the sounds of it, and pretty happy to be there. My Dad helped out enormously with their build after the Tsunami last year, we built the site, host it and do all the online marketing.

I think I'd rather be there ;-)

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