Ellipsis Eclipses

Neat piece of contemporary artwork on Newgate Street in Newcastle, up until today I never could remember what it was called - but then Google became my friend and behold "Ellipsis Eclipses".

When this was first erected I was in two minds about it, but when the sun shines through the green glass part - well you can see the results. So I'm in the "I like" category.

Also took the Ricoh 500ST out for a test run, but unfortunately it lacks proper light seals in the back... well you can guess what happens next :(

During the school run there was a torrential downpour that, unfortunately for me, managed to soak everything I was carrying including my Canon A560. While it seems to switch itself on and off on a whim, things might look better once it has dried out totally. Thing is I don't own another half decent digital camera - I rely on my A560 as it takes too long to turn around from film (not to mention how expensive it can be!). Fingers crossed that all is not lost...

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