This Reeling Day

By kkaulakh

Serenity trumps boredom

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Nora once again led us along an intellectually taxing discussion, as she might put it. It was less taxing, however, than it was stimulating. An Argentine journalist, who walked into the ocean and never returned at the age of 48, wrote a passionately objective piece on the concept of feminism. Alfonsina Stori did not argue, she simply presented her readers with the plain idea that both sexes are equal. The idea of feminism is man made, and she begins her exposition by stating she would rather not write about something so established as the femininity of women. But the piece is in response to a cynical view of women proposed by a fellow writer of the time, who made the 'care-free game' of feminism cunning, 'in terms of chivalrous pardon for feminine mischievousness.' All sorts of perspectives and opinions were voiced from different desks and it made for some really great conversation over which I've been ruminating all day. One thing that was made extremely obvious to me was that men will never understand that women endure more pressing forces from the media than men do. It of course boils down to equal opportunity and women have made leaps and bounds towards this end, even if we do still face great obstacles.

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