Dutch Skies

By RonBuist


Friday: daddy day! Inge was OK again after being sick yesterday. I took her and Nienke to school this morning while Ellis was still sleeping. Ellis woke up around nine and we had a perfect lazy morning together. She enjoyed watching the Teletubbies on TV as we sat together on the couch.

On Friday afternoon there is no school so the girls and I are all home now. Ellis is sleeping and in one hour it is time for Nienke's swimming lesson. Nienke, Inge and I were outside somewhat and I was taking some pictures. When I tried focussing on this spider it was gone: an insect was caught in the web and the spider rushed out to kill it. I could witness the process of wrapping and killing. The spider was very hungry apparently and started eating straight away...

The weekend will be a very busy one: tomorrow will be Ellis' birthday (her second) and on Sunday I'll go 'urban exploring' with the Urban Photo Collective (UPC). The UPC has been around for some time but now they're starting in Groningen too. Sunday will be the first ever meeting and I'm looking forward to it. But that's Sunday; first a swimming lesson and then tomorrow Ellis' birthday!

It's Friday and almost weekend; enjoy!

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