
By 42

Another One Bites The Dust

You may have noticed that I don't do many (any) portraits really. In fact, this is the first one since the Festival!

This is my mate Neil climbing in Cambusbarron Quarry near Stirling. I think the route was called Another One Bites the Dust. I didn't climb at all today, but went for the trip and to take photos and watch Neil and Dan climb - it was all a bit too hard for me. They were climbing E1's and E2's. Which for the non-climbing among you, the E means "Extreme".

I do climb occassionally, but I am hampered by the fact that i am terrified of heights! The first climb of the day is more an exercise in fear control rather than any pleasure or exhileration. The best I feel when I climb is the relief when I get back down. So why do it at all? I think its the challenge...

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