Pip's thoughts

By willipmrpip

The Glory of Rome in Essex

This is the Balkerne Gate in Colchester, Essex. Colchester has a long history and is the first recorded town in England.

Its Roman Wall is one of the finest surviving in the UK and the Gate is a particularly fine example.

I moved from Colchester 6 months ago having moved there in 2007 after 27 years in London.

The move was meant to provide a more relaxed and sedate lifestyle for my Partner and I but it was not to be. Prejudice drove us away. We're glad we left and have regained a normal life.

We vowed never to go back there but today we did.

After parrking the car the gate was the first sight to meet us. It was like an old friend to me. Our former home was less than minute walk from it.

It reminded me that you can never write off a place because of people who make its face grubby.

It looked wonderful in the sunshine and it is a beautiful sight.

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