Curious is the mind of a child...

We were in the car and Bethany and Ewan were explaining about how they were going to make a wish when they saw a shooting star. Bourne out of that, came a rather odd game after I tried to start up a sing song.

As soon as I start singing Grand Old Duke of York, Ewan would just pronounce, "Excuse me Daddy!" and then proceed to explain that "When I see a blue shooting star, I'm going to wish for a pirate toy." As soon as I start the singing again, he does exactly the same thing over and over again. Then when he sings and I say "Excuse me Ewan..." he just breaks out in fits of laughter.

He was finding it all curiously amusing and he's still doing it now, over an hour later.


Notes on the Picture...
I took the kids for a pre-ASDA skate at Dalgety Bay again today and this guy, Johnny Patterson, graciously threw me down a fakie bigspin to get this shot into the sun. I found myself without any of my BlipCards that I usually carry around religiously, so I had to give him my BlipAddress on the back of the cartoon cock that was still in my wallet.

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