Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Heel and Toe and Fro....

Following my slap on the wrist recently (thanks, Joe, I know I really should grow up), I have decided to only blip Fluffy Things, and use only Fluffy Language.
There may be the odd insane aside, as the meds havent quite kicked in yet.

So, tonight I photographed the Priests and Paedophiles Lepping and Vetting Competition.

Everyone was lovely.

Some kid won something, but the prize will never be worth the effort..

Go on, somebody please report this, I need the buzz.

Oh, and I made up a Fluffy Poem-

"Mr. Bitsy Spider loved his creamy stout,
But Mr. Bitsy Spider suffered from the Gout.
Driven to Arachnicide by the pain in all eight legs,
He took a hammer to his wife and pulped her head, and legs, and torso, and teeth, and everything, and made a huge fucking mess, because all his feet were sore.

Hmmm...not a good poem. I must ask my Anger Management teacher if he knows a good Poem Making teacher.

Im pretty sure the Electric Nipple Clamps will get me the right answer.

Im going to get kicked right off this site, arent I?

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