
By CleanSteve

Another day of delving deeply

I noticed the brilliant, crisp sunshine of the morning receding, by the time I managed to get outside at our workshop's lunch break. I had a sense of needing to rush to do my quick Blip, and then return for my picnic, before the workshop's afternoon and final session. Through the large modern wall of glass where we were in our group, I could see the rooftops of the medieval buildings surrounding the older parts of this museum.

Someone mentioned there was a street very close by, which is reputed to be the oldest permanently occupied street in England, called Vicar's Close. So I went there and in the grey light, tried to record the very interesting atmosphere of these old buildings, some from the 13th century, the cobbled stones and the amazing 15th century chimneys, the cats and tourists. But nothing quite resonated.

I then went to a wonderful 14th century house built in traditional hall style and then on to the Wells Cathedral green. The sun was now peeking through the clouds occasionally and the sky was bluer. The only shots I could find were rather abstract; the archways, towers, portals, statues carved across the absolutely beautiful west facade. Then i saw the young girl in turquoise skirt who was probably only about seven years old, playing on the green and shouting for her mum to come with her.

But minutes later she we was still alone. Just as I was returning to the workshop, I noticed the girl just standing a few yards away from the main door of the cathedral. She was looking up in apparent wonder at this building and the big wooden door, which was definitely closed, probably so that it could return to being a church. she stayed like that for minutes and I tentatively took pictures of her and the cathedral. She was totally alone there. Very evocative. A child in awe, imagining what she might about these stone saints and gargoyles, as pilgrims must have done since they started building it in 1180.

Sadly, I knew that none of these pictures would be right for me. I could show them somewhere else, but not as today's Blip.

It had to be the photo I took of the centre of our workshop's circle, symbolically representing the Self, with a Russian doll which when taken apart represented how the sub-personalities we had been exploring might be found within. Today was about my feelings, not ideas and outer things. Thank you, Maggie.

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