Spirited of London

By Spirited

London Style #2

OK, so I have a desire to capture London street style but am too embarrassed to be seen blatantly taking picutures of people. How english of me. Still I live in hope of capturing a sneaky shot of some scenester. Unfortunately, I live in a part of town where Cath Kitson is considered the height of cool ( and I can't tell you how much I hate THAT.... although moderately less than the So-Cal brands like Hollister) As luck would have it I boarded my bus today with a boy with a fetching trainer / bag ensemble. Usually the only people of interest on the bus are a buddhist monk, a ropey transvestite and John Sessions.I bravely asked for a photo for my " photography project".( The cool boy not John Sessions) He was studying architecture at the Royal College of Art and was pretty happy to help

Next I hope to progress to faces!


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