Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I was out this evening with my friends PeopleTwitcher and Pixel8. I went to my first Photographic Society meeting.

A talk and presentation by a guets speaker, a cup of coffee and a ginger snap (someone got to the last Jaffa cake before me!!) and then I gave PeopleTwitcher a lift home as Pixel8 had to dash off to work.

Needless to say, I was dragged in by the collar of my coat persuaded to "pop in for a coffee".

It was a fairly long "pop" ;-)

Lets just say, if the time on my camera was correct, this picture would have been taken on the 28th!

Oh, and I had cakes too ..... very nice they were as well :D

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