Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Just a boy and his dog and a very nice chat...

Weather still dismal and light (what there is of it) is awful and flat.

Went for a walk with my boy this evening...the dog had to tag along too.

It's been a while since I've had H all to myself and we had a lovely chat. I'm struck by how grown up he is at times and how baby-like he is at others. He told me that sometimes he feels like he has to be naughty, 'Like there's another Henry inside me whose really mad with everyone,' but that most of the time he's happy. I reassured him that although I shout at him sometimes...(erm...often) I love him so much.

We did have an interesting discussion about why we sometimes have to do things when we really don't want to do them at all. He found it difficult to believe that I have to do things I don't want to,

'Like what?' he asked in disbelief.

'Like seeing the grumpy patients who moan all the time,' I told him.

'Are they nasty?' he asked,

'Some of them are,' I said.

'What do you say to them?' he asked.

'Well I try to be kind to them while they're with me and then when they're gone I make *this* face <crossed eyes and stuck out tongue> at the door!'

He thought that was hilarious and admitted, 'Sometimes I go in my bedroom and do that to you too!'

That's my boy ;-)

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