Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Nuts to the weather!

Nice morning at work but the weather just isn't playing ball is it?

So if you can't beat a macro, that's my motto.

Henry found these acorns on our walk last night and told me I could use them for a macro. I love how he now knows the lingo. I held them in reserve for a rainy day...cue rainy day today :-)

By the time I'd returned from work; collected H from school; helped with piano practice (amazing how he always needs most help on the days I'd like to do something for myself); changed Noah...again (if pooing was an Olympic sport Noah would be a gold medallist!) and made supper there wasn't much light left. I parked my set up in front of the patio windows and set the self timer. You can see from the long exposure how little natural light was left!

Still it's a's not terrible, and therefore I'm happy :-)

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