Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

The only one

So we were up early to catch our flight home from Phoenix, AZ. The boys and I had no trouble getting on our standby flight to San Francisco. But the trouble always happens at SFO. That airport always has issues.

But in the end, we managed to get on the flight we had planned, though a little late and landed back home at 5:00 p.m. exact. My boys were delighted to see their Papa's smiling face bringing the ramp up to the plane. A huge feeling of relief and peace came over me. I was finally home.

When I left on Saturday, my husband thought it would be a great time to remodel our living room as we had talked about for two years now. He ripped down the ceiling, tore out the walls and removed the carpet. Our home is very old, so the things removed were toxic.

I got home and was immediately in awe at what he had accomplished in just a few days. It's just beautiful. Not realizing that I hadn't taken even one photo this day, I snapped a shot of our living room as the sun was setting.

You can see all the slimy hand marks on the windows and the giant crack in the one on the left. But what I see is mildew-free walls and flooring. We are looking forward to rearranging the living room also so that our couch faces those windows, as the bay is just across the street.

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