A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Chilli powder de Carlos

Guess who's in the kitchen? Well clearly not me as I am blipping from the sofa. Fortunately I trust Carl to just add this to his dinner at the end and to keep it well away from mine. Out of all the things we have in common - a taste for food that burns the skin off the roof of your mouth is not one of them.

With hindsight I should have blipped our dear friend Raquel who visited us this afternoon. But not having seen her for probably about a year we were all too excited and I forgot until after she'd left. When Anna was very small Raquel helped look after her a few mornings a week and we have known her family longer as both her mom and her cousin have looked after Jackson. Her continued devotion to our kids is very touching and they get ridiculously over-excited whenever she visits. As they did today. Raquel has now firmly moved into friend category and it really was lovely to see her.

Now it is time for me and Carl to curl up with s curry and eagerly await the first Strictly Come Dancing - autumn is truly here.

All in all a delightful start to the weekend. Hope yours is too.

Lesley x

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