Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Lovely day

I thought today's shot was going to be watery things as that has been the theme for the day. We're exploring the element of Water this week for Samhuinn so we went to the Turkish Baths, had a nice swim, steamed ourselves in the sauna, froze ourselves in the plunge pool. Afterwards we played on the beach, gathered some shells and then did the only sensible thing to do mid afternoon on portobello promenade, we went for fish and chips. The fish was amazing, beautiful crispy batter and the guy was fantastic and really friendly.

We then headed to town, popped by E's house were I got to play with her little corn snake which made friends with my hair. We then drank chai on the meadows before heading to a H&S meeting.

After that I headed home as The Boy had a rare Sunday evening off work. N & J popped by to collect George and to introduce us to thier two new little girls. So from bottom right in a clockwise direction we have: Milo, George, Isabel and Bess. The two new ones are little cuties and Milo has mellowed down so much this week. She even let me hold her when in shed without being a hissy missy.

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