Cup Cake Chic...

Is it just me or have cup cakes become sort of uber-fashionable.

There are trendy cup cake specific bakeries, cook books dedicated to the cup cake, giant cup cake makers sold on trendy gadget websites and cup cakes being the advertising thrust of high and afternoon teas piling them up on large stands as a big presentation piece.

It's just sponge in a case with a silly amount of icing on the top. Seems pretty lazy baking to me. I'm sure there must be people pushing out the boundaries of
cup cake creation but they just seem to be the super models of the confectionery world where looks are the most important trait.

Compare them with the mighty muffin which can be a multitude of flavours and textures, you have to always ask for the selection of muffins and select your preferred choice. Cup cakes are just.....cup cakes.

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