Salvador Deli...

It's the end of an era. Pete 'trendy dad' T here got a wee ceramic egg for his birthday earlier in the year. It got off to a slow start when he didn't realize the seeds came in a pack separated from the compost in the egg but eventually two saplings established themselves enough to require separate potting.

Over the next few months there were shared holiday cover watering duties, wee flowers, more growth and eventually a couple of very healthy two feet tall pepper plants that were bearing small but deceptively fiery* fruit.

Today, the plants were caught out by our lovely health and safety rules when the building manager chanced upon them and asked they be removed.

The chillis have now been harvested and the plants are headed to less corporate climes. Pete gave me this chilli which will make it's way into a wee ruby murray in the next few days. Thanks Pete.

*We tried them out the other day. Sweet mary guacamole, they are potent.

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