
By Fisherking

That's my daughter in the.....

lounge, actually.

Sitting beside her Mum, watching Midsomer Murders, and like me, wondering how so many people get murdered in such a small place.

She's the apple of my eye....sometimes.
She's a little bugger ..........sometimes.

She's bright, determined and good at her job.

What else can I tell you about her? She has moments when she does things that drive me to distraction, and she has moments when she's so thoughtful and helpful it takes your breath away.

I'll tell you a little story....when we had Vladimir here (our visitor from Siberia) Rachel had two pet rats. Vladimir was amazed....and even more so when it was revealed that one rat was called Vladimir! When he found out that the other one was called Boris he fell about laughing. Why? Because he has a brother called Boris!

Vladimir was very taken with Rachel, I think because he has two sons, and he talked to her a lot. One evening he asked her what she liked to drink, and she showed him a bottle of Blue WKD. After a few minutes studying the bottle he put on his puzzled face, so Rach explained that it was which Vladimir laughed, pointed to the 4% on the label and said "Baby Vodka" that's what it's been known as ever least in this house. Vladimir then taught Rachel how to drink real vodka, with bread, down in one. I don't think she liked it much but she did it!

That's my girl!

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