On my way to visa...

Visa. Stupid thing. I didn't even want you, but I have to get you to obtain my credits. (It's possible to just live here on a tourist visa and make sure you leave the country so you can stay another 90 days. Seems no problem for me, but our university requieres us to obtain a visa, which is in fact the right thing to do)

Today I tried to arrange things for my visa, with the emphasis on try. I went to the migration office, or whatever it was called, but my photo was not approved. Half an hour I was back with a new passphoto that was approved. Up to the next desk. Only there I had some problems, apparently it wasn't registered in the system that I went to Brasil. The last time I entered the country was from Uruguay, so they would have to put this in the system.

A lot of other fellow students had the same problem and together we were waiting, and waiting, and waiting. When it was finally my turn they told me to copy some things but as it was just after 4 the copyshop at the migration office was closed. So we walked over to retiro to get the copies.

When I was back I had to wait a little bit more and they asked me with which company I entered the country. Well it was private, with a car. As they couldn't read what number was on my stamp I would have to return another day in the morning when their bosses were there to help them. New appointment for obtaining my visa as well. Hope it goes better that time.

Visas... Always fun.

The thing I found strange though is that my friends who entered the country in the same car at the same time didn't have the same problem.

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