One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


Does not stand for Bull Shit. Or so I found out this evening.
The man is genuine. And a pleasure to be around for a few jars.
Even if just to watch him with his lips glued to the pint, as if he were trying to defrost the key hole of his vintage Volvo in the cold Swedish winter and got his lips stuck to the freezing metal. Except that it's a pint, not a Volvo. And we are not in Sweden in February but McKenna's at John Wayne o'clock.
It's a pity we did not get to talk much. Not easy when you have a pint stuck to your mouth.

Seriously, thanks for the chat B, I very much enjoyed it. I got a bit confused with the f thingy, and the shutter speed yoke, and the I SOS stuff.
Photography is mostly about pointing and shooting. Hopefully in the right direction and with live ammunition. The rest is just a matter of what the outsourced Photoshop assistants Photoshop Monkeys can manage.

See you again, before the year is gone.
I'm not talking about the financial year. That one is very much gone already...

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