
By champignons

Not Mr Nut

I tried to take a picture of MrNut this morning, he was playing with Doll. He was making her wave and such, it was very sweet. Almost sweet enough to forgive him waking me at stupid o'Clock. But as soon as he saw the camera him wanted the camera and abandoned poor Doll.

I took other pictures today but they were boring and the crap in my bedroom makes a colourful background. And there's a giant Mr potato head eye in the foreground too.

The rest of the day quickly turned to crap so I went to town and bought the poorly one (teeth! last batch) some treats- a boat, and a swimming monkey (that might have been me) and a train I was meant to save for christmas but I'm not very good at that, I get too excited. It's a white one like all the other kids at playgroup steal off him. He was very pleased with it.

I also bought myself a nice expensive christmas present. Ought to do such things on shittycrappypoop days.

I'm not handing out prizes for guessing what it is, either.

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