Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Soccer Rules!

My Internet service was restored this afternoon. I think the pixies must have done the repair work because there was neither sight nor sound of anyone from AT&T. Customer service was still telling my wife this morning that the date of repair was October 18. My thoughts on the saga can be viewed here.

I spotted today's blip yesterday afternoon while walking from the trolley stop. That is only partially true. What I noticed yesterday was that some children had chalked out that time-honoured game, hop-scotch, on the sidewalk. I thought it was refreshing, and encouraging, in this age of Playstations, Xboxes and the like that children can still entertain themselves with a piece of chalk.

My attempts to photograph the hop-scotch game were not successful. The light was such that some of the numbers were in the shade and some in bright sunlight and the dynamic range was a bit too much for the Ricoh.

I did see these scribbles and drawings and obviously "Soccer Rules!" struck a chord with me. First, it is blatantly obvious that it does; second, the message seems to be spreading to American youngsters -- after all, it is the universal game.

Once again, the choice was down to my wife because it tells a story. My choice can be viewed here.

But the big story of the day was getting the Internet back. My day-to-day life can once again function as normal.

B&W conversion in Silver Efex Pro in Photoshop CS3.

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