
By cracker

Queensland Holiday - Day 6 - The Big Pineapple!

This morning Holly stayed home from school because she had a sore throat so Bron decided to stay home from work to look after her. It looked like it was going to be another nice day so we decided to go to The Big Pineapple. We took Holly with us and meet us there later.

The Big Pineapple was built in 1971 and is a working farm as well as a tourist attraction. It has a 16 metre (52 foot) tall pineapple that you can walk up the inside to the top. There is a train that takes you around the pineapple crops, through a rainforest and stops at the Wildlife Park and animal nursery. It has a shop and an eatery that is famous for its parfaits (ice cream sundae).

Ever since I was a kid and went to Queensland with my Grandparents on holiday, we would go to the Big Pineapple every single time at least once! We would get a macadamia nut parfait and ride the train! The place has run down a lot now, the owners aren't putting any more money into it so two of the rides have closed down and the rest just looks old. We keep going back for those parfaits though!

We took Spence and Holly on the train ride, went a fed the kangaroos and looked at all the animals in the animal nursery, ducks, pigs, mice, goats and a biting donkey! Bron came and met us for a parfait then we came home for lunch followed by more swimming in the pool in the afternoon! It's such a hard life!!

We have no internet access where we are at Bron's house and my iPhone has very limited internet so I can't upload from there and can hardly comment! It's very frustrating! We have gone for a drive now so that I can upload these!!

I have uploaded the last couple of days as well.

Tuesday - The Oasis
Wednesday - Jetski

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