
By Fisherking

When autumn leaves start to fall...

Been meaning to blip this for ages.

As I've said before we have several Japanese maples in the garden. This is one of the smaller ones, but it's unusual because the leaves have several "points" rather than the usual 5. It's also the first one to change colour. In the Summer it's a pale green, but when the weather cools it coes, yellow, then orange and finally brown.

I think I managed to get all of the colours, but the reason I've managed to blip it today is that the neighbour, having let his garden grow almost wild for several years has now embarked on a slash and burn regime. Over the last few days several large trees and bushes have been chainsawed and suddenly the top left corner of our garden is seeing some light.

The Boss is glad to see the jungle next door go, but now has to move some plants around next spring because up until now we've had shade lovers in that corner.

I'm waiting for our biggest maple to chage from dark green to stunning red, then I'll blip that for you.

Not sure what else there is to say, it's been a real nothing day, a full day teaching, no-one in when I got home, totally uninspired dinner (Pizza), bugger all on the TV and we're both totally knackered, the only reason we're still up is that we refuse to go to bed at 9.30 on a Friday night!

Have a good weekend, I'll try to find a better blip tomorrow.

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