Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

His pick

I left my blip pick up to my husband tonight. Surprised by his choice of a random shot of my hair on water. The rest were "boring" according to him, and this one would make people wonder for a minute.

It was nice to take a break at work today to wander around our beautiful campus in the sun. The wind was a little heavy, which made my macro shots not the best, but it was still a peaceful time.

We are expecting family to arrive tomorrow, so we are busy getting the house cleaned and set. I might not blip over the weekend, as I'll be hanging with our visitors. I'll back blip on Monday though.

3 good things today:
1. Saw the most amazing clouds over a glass-like bay this morning but no time to stop.
2. Dreamed of my new Tamron 10-24mm lens that should be here 10/18/10. Not that I'm excited or anything. There's a $100 rebate out there right now.
3. A home cooked Indian meal of chicken curry and bhaji roti. We get out of habit sometimes of cooking traditional meals. We need to stay in the habit I think.

I did swap out for a more lomo-ish version. I was having issues with the straight out of camera = boring.

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