Daily Wild

By emyjane

George Should Be Shared With All!

Ok he looks like he's in jail there! Awww

This is George, he's a Newfoundland & a staggering 11 years old - big years for a dog his size!

He's a real character & belongs to my friend's daughter. He spends most of his time with my friend, as her daughter is away a lot, so George spends his holiday with his best friend Molly the springer spaniel. He loves it! And once when he came back to his 'proper' home, he wasn't happy. He escaped through the garden & disappeared for 2 days & 2 nights. They searched high & low for him. On the 3rd day he was found making his way back up the main road to his 'holiday home', he had traveled 3 miles, over farming countryside to be with Molly! I've often wondered if there were ever any 'black big cat' sightings over that time, as it was no big cat - it was George!!!!! :)

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