Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


Today was Jacksonville Public Library's book sale at Jacksonville Fairground. My wife and her mother are avid readers and the book sale is an economical way to stock up on reading matter. I am less of a reader these days, one of the downsides of being an Internet junkie. :-)

The three of us set off for the sale this afternoon and I knew it would provide me with today's blip.

I got to talking with some elderly lady walking her dog outside the hall. She had lived in Hawaii for 30 years and now divided her time between Portland and Jacksonville -- she has daughters in both locations.

We talked about this and that and on the subject of American politics found common ground. She agreed that Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I wandered among the rows of books and picked out a John Le Carre novel and a biography on Wellington, the man who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and in doing so saved Europe from another dicatator. Now, whether I actually get to reading these books remains to be seen. :-)

It was then time to get a photograph and this young lady was one of the better shots. I like the way the rows of books are also mirrored by the ceiling.

B&W conversion with Silver Efex Pro in Photoshop CS3.

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