All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter


"The more boys I meet, the more I love my dog."
~Carrie Underwood

Spent the weekend at home with my folks, which was relaxing to say the least. Lots has changed since the last time I was home but the biggest may be Kane. He's a German Sheperd/Akida mix and is a beast. That's my parents' loveseat behind him. He's 85lbs and will be more than 100 by the time he's done growing.

Still, he's the quietest, most gentle dog I've ever met. He's quiet and intimidating to those who don't know him. Still, he seems almost frightened sometimes, but he's always looking at everything. Oh, and he's crazy about running and walking in circles around you.

But he's great, I love him to pieces even though I'll rarely see him.

He's so different from Pepper, the lab we lost in May, and I think that may be a good thing.

I wish I could have a dog... *sigh*

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