Bug Hunting

It was another picture perfect fall day. I am slowly making sense of the morass, albeit behind schedule because of a stat (aka need it now) call regarding a sick dog in the middle of the night. Bob woke up after I had had only 4 hours of sleep. My husband valiantly got up with him and allowed me to have another 3 hours, which was quite restorative.

After several hours of administrative business (and busy-ness), I needed a break. Bob and I let James get a quick nap while we headed to the 17 acres for a hike. We bumped in to our next door neighbors along the way, who gave Bob a clear plastic cup for collecting bugs. The top is dotted with air holes and has a large magnifying glass for a close up look at your catch. Bob found a millipede right away and he was suddenly and completely focused on the bug-catching task. 1st, we stopped by a rock where he built a bug play structure. Then he built a fort. Then we hit pay dirt when we took the bark off of some rotting trees - bug-o-rama as you can see above! On the way back, he deposited the bugs at the play structure. I wonder if they liked it?

I barely missed stepping on this guy. Fortunately, Bob spotted him just in time and warned me.

It was a perfect break to clear the mind for both of us.

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