
By flying

Osteospermum #3

A beautiful Spring day after Jack Frost payed us a call this morning, we sent him running.....A gentle breeze and lots of warm sun. The smell of freshly cut grass drifted over the fence as I worked quietly away in the garden.

Another Osteospermum blip - hope your not getting bored. I shouted myself two small bushes and I'm getting so much pleasure from these blooms, they're so varied and very interesting - think I have a mini series going! Today we have the spikey version or maybe the 'punk rocker' - you can decide.

For those of you wishing to follow the series, I will try and link it for you.
Osetospermum #2
Osteospermum #1
Apologies I have them round the wrong way, for some reason #2 jumped ahead of #1.
I blipped late yesterday, some of you may wish to take a look at #2.

A lovely evening here, hubby working late and Daughter E having tea with friends. I think I will head to the garden for a little bit longer and then make an omlette for tea.

Have a great Wednesday :)

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