Aperture Science

By stevie

Shake the static

I have an alternative version of this -here- and the original blip here
You know that way you post an image, then repost but your still never happy with it then you go way back to the original and have done with it? Yeah? well this is what this is!
Give the others a look and let me know what you think?

This is another HDR of umpteen shots further 'adjusted' in photoshop. I'm still unsure as to the proper use of HDR, you can't make a bad photo good just by mashing it through some HDR software, The image must stand for itself. I'm undecided if this does.

I may well post the alternative later....hmmm...

Anyway, "for all the things I'm losing, i might aswell resign myself to try and make a change" (blip love for those who can tell me what song thats from).

Alot of things need to change, myself and the way i do things being not that far from the top of the list. Re-evaluation, thats the key.

"I'm doing alright these days"


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