Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

Dead. Cellphone.

Isn't that always the excuse, eh? My mobile died....sorry. I'm not big on avoidance tactics, I prefer to just cut to the chase once I've figured out what I'm going to do about things. Wish it were a bit more common practice.

Went out shooting today with a mate or several. Had a good time and further explored the depths of AP mode and ISO pushing. I've come to the conclusion that if I'm going to push the ISO, I prefer working in manual mode. I don't tend to change the aperture that much, and it's easy to do if I have to, but the shutter speed is more important (nay, crucial) if you're shooting street, like I do.

I was really pleased with this image. I liked how he looked dead, and she looked a bit indifferent. I had to use my full ninja stealth training to get it tho. By pretending to be shooting the horse statue behind them while I positioned myself and tweaked the camera, then turning around and firing a couple of shots. Success. I shoot, and there's a dead guy on the grass. Woo hoo.

Had a busy busy day today. I'm in the middle of some rather heavy duty cunning planning that pleases me greatly. But, alas, my co-cunning planners have sworn me to secrecy for now.

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