Chris Cole...

This is Chris and Cole or Cole and Chris I can't remember which. As soon as they told me their names, the words rang a bell with someone in popular culture. Turns out the Chris Cole I was thinking of is actually a professional skateboarder. I wouldn't go as far as popular culture but a person of note in my circles nonetheless.

Mental note to oneself. Whenst taking pictures of persons, take the aperture off F1.8 coz you're gonna get the whole thing well fuzzy and have to add all sorts of photoshop jiggery pokery to bring it up to semi-interestingness.

These two were down the park tonight and taking great interest in my interest in collecting artefacts for my website. One of their wee gang even went up the big slide to count all the examples up there that I'd not gotten yet. Anyway, I told them what the photo was for and where I would post it (didn't have any cards on me at the time) so I feel obliged to post it as the obliged me to pose for it.


Notes on the Ending of the Non-Reading Comments Experiment...
Well I can't say that my blip usage changed any at all apart from not reading comments. I got up to 76 or so comments and went through them all earlier. Again I thank you all for them even the previously noted devious buggers that were going into older entries and putting comments in odd places tempting my interest. I was reading what entries the comments were being posted on, just not actually opening the entries to read them. Did I learn anything from it? Probably only that I have will power to follow through.

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