A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Terms and conditions apply

Don't know how well this will show up so just in case here are the t's and c's for the 40th party we are off to later:

1. Entry for selected guests is subject to a thorough search to ensure they are carrying cards, gifts and well wishes.
2. The Host accepts no responsibility if you fail to have a good time, it's your fault for being so miserable.
3. The use of flash photography is actively encouraged. Reproduction and copies of images or film taken at the event can be used for reminiscing.
4. The loss of valuable, items of clothing or memory is solely the responsibility of the owner and in no way can the party organisers be held accountable.
5. All self inflicted injuries arising from silly or outrageous behaviour will be laughed at and may be subject to the amusement of everyone the next day.

After last week's efforts I'd better watch out for number 5...At least this is the last in the 40th birthdays season...for the foreseeable at least...

Was a bit spoilt for choice for blips today after a morning at London Abundance, a local fruit fair held at the church at the end of our road. The school had a stall there so we turned up to do our bit by selling a small amount and buying a larger amount. The school has a couple of apple trees, a grapevine and a quince tree - all of which had been picked and turned into a variety of interesting products by parents and teachers. I was most interested in Chiswick BeeMan (not his actual name) - he lives less than a mile from us and has 6 hives in his back garden which, at the height of activity, each have 100,000 bees in them. Apparently this gives his bees more or less exclusive rights to all the pollen in Chiswick. And it was great timing for us as J has honey sandwiches every day for his packed lunch and we were about to run out of the honey we brought back from Spain. Nice to have found a local supplier. Other highlights included an apple press making fresh apple juice and bike-powered smoothies. All in all a fun time and affirmation that Chiswick really is just a country village disguising itself as a London 'burb.

Could also have blipped the latest cake offering for J's birthday tomorrow but will keep that one in the bank just in case.

Happy Saturday
Lesley x

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