With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


The boys and I had a late night last night, with curry at F's. Ben fell asleep on her sofa, exhausted as he'd returned from his first league game. The season's not started brilliantly scorewise, but apprently they played well, so who cares, and he seems to be enjoying it more. They did me proud, handing round fruit and eating properly with the adults. And then back at home, Little Agu invented a new way to wash. He's been given a little shower radio. The jazz station came on and away he scrubbed, with a swing and a wiggle infront of the mirror. It really makes cleaning your teeth easier too. And a lot more fun.

Today, just market and the park so far. I'm off for a siesta. Have a good one everybody.

p.s. Watch this space for blip meets galore, all being well!

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