With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Who's coming to dinner?

Hot off the Palma train, and with a well placed elbow, who's in town? This duck apparently, but also a bottle of the finest and some Tunnochs, an Owen and a
SCOBES! In no particular order.

Ben and Owen greeted each other in the square like two fine Gentlemen, both coincidently wearing this season's battle fatigues. They charged around with little Agu in tow squealing with delight. Even during the torrential downpour. We toasted their arrival with orisit to round off the blipmeet, and the boys toasted a little in front of the fire (first of the season) before the travellers headed for an early night.

A storm is brewing off the coast, lots of weather here, but I don't think it'll be a problem for hardened men of the North. Lots of fun to be had in the next week.

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