Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Red Glow in the Bay

Finally, I am caught up on my blips. I have been having a hard time loading them at the end of the day. Too many things to do and too many places to go.

This morning, the clouds were great, again, so I drove quickly to the bay to see if I could get a shot, and I was in awe of the way the sun was glowing in one spot as it was coming up. Again, it fooled me, though; I thought it would surely pink up the clouds, but the red glow just kind of faded and the sun went behind some clouds. I waited, thinking it would happen eventually, but after about 1/2 and hour, I had to go back home and make breakfast.

I was happy with the shot I was able to get, but I always think there will be a better one if I just wait a little while.

Here are my shots from Tuesday on if you would like to look:






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