Sabine Thoele

By SabineThoele

Shall I stay or shall I go now

Like most mornings you take the bus first thing. Until you discover that today is not like most mornings. The bus is moving along very, very slowly. The driver informs you that some roadwork has sprung up overnight. You can feel the temper of your fellow passengers rising. The first people are getting off the bus, deciding to walk the long way to the tube stop, worried they will be late, missing appointments. You wonder what to do yourself and decide to sit it out. The bus keeps moving very, very slowly. Finally you think, okay the time has come, I am almost the only one left on the bus, I am getting off as well. You start walking only to realise that now the bus is moving as well. At the next bus stop you get on a bus again. Finally you arrive at the tube station but something feels wrong there as well. Many people are coming towards you when they should be getting on the trains. You are informed that the tube is not running. So now it's back to the bus stop. You get on a crowded bus, slowly very slowly making your way to a tube station on a different line which is still running. You get on the tube, change at various stations and finally, finally arrive at the office. The journey took 2 hours instead of 45 minutes.
Long live London Transport!

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