Family 6

By meganrose

The wall as is....

As promised, a picture of the kitchen as it exists. Before the transformation begins. Exciting stuff.

I wrestled with the urge to post yet another picture of Farrah - but the picture was poor quality - which resulted in it looking like a picture of me at that age. My baby is far, far cuter though!

The kids have been on top form this week, making me laugh when I have felt pretty down. So far we've had the folllowing....

'Do you know what bones are for Rory?' 'Feeding to the dogs.' he replied. 'Yes, true, but we have bones in our body, what do you think may happen if they all fell out?' I probed. 'The dogs would be fed.' He replied. Maybe I was expecting a little too much of him. He also coined the term 'Scarey naked' for a skeleton. Brilliant.

Whilst visiting my parents today the kids found some suitcases and starting trundleing them around the house. Dad asked where they were going. 'Nowhere' replied Rory. 'Ah,' said Dad, ' have you been to nowhere before?' 'No' Replied Rory, 'But I have been somewhere'. Again, the boy is genius.

One last one.... This morning I pointed to the box of new tiles and asked Liam, 'What do you think of our new floor?' 'It's a bit small, isn't it?' Was his rather sharp reply.

I know I'm not smarter than a 10 year old. Or, a 3 year old, for that matter.

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