
By crunchity


Listening to Owen (aka Mike Kinsella):

You fucked a fever in me,
And I'm burning up.
A hundred and two, a hundred and three.
Cold sweats, im in need of new sheets.

You fucked this flu in me,
And I'm throwing up dinner for two, and mixed drinks.
Im on my knees as it passes through me


Whoever you think is watching you dance from across the room they aren't.
If anything they feel sorry for you because you try so hard.
I know it hurts to hear but it's the truth.
So you might as well hear it from a friend.
You're a has-been that never was.
And I know it's mean to say
But it's something I've been meaning to say to you for awhile.
You're a has-been that never was or will be.

Anyway I'm a big fan and you should be too.

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