jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Tired boys

Stevie is poorly, and Ben is just tired. So they are were snuggled on the sofa watching cbeebies bedtime hour together. Steve fell asleep briefly. Ben got fed up and transferred himself to me, so I sent Steve out to fix my dinner - he is poorly, so is off his food, and I have no desire to cook dinner for one, so a ready-meal has been drafted in.

Tots was good this morning. Mostly. Was just too tired to socialise, and spent most of it collapsed in a heap on the floor clutching my cup of tea. Not surprising to be tired really, it's been a pretty full-on weekend and today has been the first day back to normality, despite Steve being off work and in bed half the day. I think he'll be off again tomorrow, by the sounds of it. He was supposed to be going into London today, meal out with some Finnish dealers, tomorrow was a trip to Abbey Road where they use some B&W speakers. He was really looking forward to it and is just gutted to be poorly.

I'm looking forward to an amble around town tomorrow afternoon with Ben: I have a madcap desire to try and find a pair of cymbals for Ben or at least something that he can use as cymbals. And I complain about the current noise level!! It'll be nice to get out, anyway.

Here's today's other blip.

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