secret garden

By freespiral

All things bright and beautiful

Ferociously bright and frosty morning, -1C and by the time I'd scrapped the frost off my windscreen it was too late to change my sandals!! (I was just browsing my statistics, having just discovered them, and find that I mention weather 303% more than the 'average' blipper -I'm not sure that's a plus)!

Crazy day at school, not helped by the fact that there was no electricity. We had been forewarned and I had mentioned that there would be no water but no-one believed me. No water and no heating greeted us but this was not much of a problem until smallest infant had explosive diarrohea around midday (sorry, way too much information). Fortunately I was busily engaged on the mural and kept my head down and well out of the way when the cleaning up process began. Urgh. Smallest infant had also had a mega wobbly earlier when I was supposed to be in charge of her which had then set off second smallest infant. I had to be fierce which actually worked rather well and we then settled down for a mass cuddle and a nice story.

The mural is now more or less finished apart from a little tweaking. It's very bright and very loud but we're all delighted. To give some idea of scale in that well know measurement, infants to a line, it's around 15 infants long.

Now for a nice lie down in a darkened room.

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