Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Nightfall - at 4.30p.m.

I had a good day today. I went to Inverness and had lunch with 4 of the ladies from "The Show", and was appalled to discover that it is being re-run on one of the cable channels, UK something or other. It does seem to be a kind of long distant memory, and one which which will hopefully fade even more with time! The good thing is that I got to meet some lovely people, and some of us at least have kept in touch. Once the 15 minutes of fame is over, you have to find other things in common to keep a friendship going, and we seem to have done that.

Later on in the evening, I had a lovely meal at Jill and Peter's next door, celebrating the birthday of Inge, and we also raised a glass (or 2) to wish Christine a happy 60th.birthday.

On the road home from Inverness, the rain was pummelling down, until the approach to Gairloch, when I came across this view of Loch Bad na Scalaig. The headlights of the car picked up the colours in the foreground of the bracken & heather, which I liked.

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