The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


Tired day, ill and tired :( Boo...

Slept though alarm, woke up and panicked cos I thought it was friday, discovered after a while it wasn't friday and that luckily I hadn't missed any lectures. Got up and ready, showering in the (still) broken shower and went to lecture. Boring stats stuff. Tried to do some work after, in a group, but no-one was in the mood. Walked into the town and found a bin for my room, then decided it would freeze my hands if I carried it home so bought a dress instead (!) Day's not entirely wasted!! Walked home and played with the rabbits with Marianne. Took photos of the rabbits but the light was so low, most came out blurred. Ended up with picture of her slipper as it was more obliging and less jumpy.

Attempted rabbit shots here :)

Ahhh well, maybe do something more interesting tomorrow!!

On the plus, I've got a fair amount of nitty gritty stuff done :D ... though I do need to get that washing out of the machine! :O

EDIT: You know what, I'm feelin' the rabbit shot now!! Let me know which you prefer!!

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