Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Another great day for camping and we spent hours playing in the water, kayaking, and having a general good ol' time. Adam and Hannah both did great kayaking by themselves, with other milestones being that they both also did well riding their bikes for the first time without trainer wheels. Now there will be a challenge to keep up!

I blipped all this of course, but choose this shot instead as it says to me something about my photography. I get very caught up in "scenes"; beautiful pictures of beautiful places, which of course are great. But, living in a city you can't do that every day of course. So this picture says to me that there is beauty in detail, and photographs worth taking.

You may have noticed that I have missed several photos recently. I ran out of time, didn't have the inspiration, and so simply avoided the pressure of taking a photo. It helped relieve some stress that I have felt - balancing work, blip and family.

Sadly, I just don't have time for a daily photo right now as other things are more important in my life at present. So, for the next few weeks I am removing the daily pressure of a daily photo - I'll blip when I have the opportunity, inspiration, creativity and time. Hopefully that will be often!

Of course, I'll use this photo to remind me that detail and beauty is all around ;-)

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