Jax and co.

By indusriver

the big girl

Went for a walk by the canal this grey and dank afternoon. Steve had been running so we were planing on meeting him along the way BUT we did have to stop and feed the ducks so we must have travelled oh all of 50 metres before our paths crossed!

It is a bittersweet day for Steve and I, as Sienna at 3 1/2 has gone on her first sleepover. We have a party to go to tonight and as the other children are away my friends suggested that she stayed the night with them and their three year old. Sienna was overjoyed. I have just got back from dropping her off, where after about 5 minutes she turned to me and said "you can go now Mummy."

I know many will find this no big deal but we have not had a night without her before and she is our baby...

Having said that - where is the wine and my man and let's get the party started!

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